
Welcome to XOstudio FLOWERS catalog! Here you will find a wide range of floral products for any event, for every taste and needs: Premium bouquets, author's bouquets, flowers in baskets and boxes. Convenient navigation through the catalog lets you quickly find the suitable bouquet and get acquainted with its characteristics and price.

Bouquet of white roses Bouquet of white roses Bouquet of white roses White roses
1200 mdl
Bouquet "Purple-white" Bouquet "Purple-white" Bouquet "Purple-white" Hydrangea / roses / eucalypt
900 mdl
Bouquet "Pink Love" Bouquet "Pink Love" Bouquet "Pink Love" Roses spray / tanacetum / chryzantema
1850 mdl
Bouquet "Mirabella" Bouquet "Mirabella" Bouquet "Mirabella" Red roses
1050 mdl
Bouquet made of red roses spray Bouquet made of red roses spray Bouquet made of red roses spray Red roses spray
860 mdl
Bouquet "Ice Cream" Bouquet "Ice Cream" Bouquet "Ice Cream" Chryzantema
550 mdl
Bouquet "Roses Mandala" Bouquet "Roses Mandala" Bouquet "Roses Mandala" Roses Mandala
950 mdl
Bouquet "Hydrangea" Bouquet "Hydrangea" Bouquet "Hydrangea" Hydrangea
2100 mdl
Bouquet "A fiery sunset" Bouquet "A fiery sunset" Bouquet "A fiery sunset" Rose / gerbera / lagurus / stabilized leaves
1100 mdl
Bouquet "Green sun" Bouquet "Green sun" Bouquet "Green sun" Hydrangea / chryzantemym / eustoma / ornithogalum
2500 mdl
Bouquet "White Fresia" Bouquet "White Fresia" Bouquet "White Fresia" Fresia
900 mdl
Basket with flowers "Autumn in Moldova" Basket with flowers "Autumn in Moldova" Basket with flowers "Autumn in Moldova" Hydrangea / chryzantema / gerbera
1985 mdl
Bouquet "Sweetheart" Bouquet "Sweetheart" Bouquet "Sweetheart" Hydrangea / chryzantema / gerbera
800 mdl
Basket with flowers "Albina" Basket with flowers "Albina" Basket with flowers "Albina" Chryzantema / rose / eustoma
1500 mdl
Basket with roses Basket with roses Basket with roses Rose
1900 mdl
Bouquet "Fresh fall" Bouquet "Fresh fall" Bouquet "Fresh fall" Chryzantema / gerbera / rosę / tanacetum
1300 mdl
Bouquet "Dawn" Bouquet "Dawn" Bouquet "Dawn" Roses / gerbera
1400 mdl
Bouquet "Autumn sun" Bouquet "Autumn sun" Bouquet "Autumn sun" Rose / chryzantema / ruskus
1350 mdl
Basket with flowers "A touch of fall" Basket with flowers "A touch of fall" Basket with flowers "A touch of fall" Roses / gerbera / ruskus / chryzantema
2200 mdl
Bouquet "Shine" Bouquet "Shine" Bouquet "Shine" Hortensia / gerbera / panicum / ruskus / chryzantema
1600 mdl
Bouquet "warm breeze" Bouquet "warm breeze" Bouquet "warm breeze" Hydrangea / rose / chryzantema / ruskus
1450 mdl
Bouquet "Candy" Bouquet "Candy" Bouquet "Candy" Roses / hydrangea
2600 mdl
Bouquet "Royal Parad" Bouquet "Royal Parad" Bouquet "Royal Parad" Hydrangea / eustoma / eucalyptus
2550 mdl
Bouquet "Gentle Autumn" Bouquet "Gentle Autumn" Bouquet "Gentle Autumn" Roses
1350 mdl
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