Bouquet "Tulip clouds"
The most spring combination of fresh tulips and fluffy willow in the bouquet “Tulip Cloud” will please a lovely lady with its delicate colors and volume of the bouquet. Pink tulips are a symbol of youth and femininity. They are ideal for a gift for celebrating the birthday of a daughter, as their color symbolizes true femininity.
A bouquet in which a lot of love was invested. The florists of XOstudio FLOWERS studio made it from the freshest flowers. Now it is ready to amaze the beauty of its recipient!
At your request we can sign the card on your behalf, just specify the text of the note in a comment when placing your order.
You can also buy an author's greeting card in the "greeting cards" category. -
Flowers are live and very fragile material. If your bouquet came in improper form, please contact us to solve the problem.
In case any of the bouquet components are out of stock, we will offer you the substitutes. Also be ready that flowers are live material, so bouquets 100% do not repeat the picture.
Înainte de a pune florile în apă, îndepărtați ambalajul buchetului și tăiați tulpinile cu un cuțit sau un foarfece de grădină.
Umpleți vaza cu apă aproximativ 2/3 din capacitate și îndepărtați frunzele de pe tulpini, dacă acestea ajung în apă.
Schimbați apa și reînnoiți butașii în fiecare zi sau la două zile.
Păstrați buchetul departe de lumina directă a soarelui, de curenți de aer, de calorifere și de fructe.
We are sorry if at the time of ordering on this bouquet is out of stock. We will be happy to offer you a similar product at the appropriate price at your request. Thank you for your interest in our company.