Hydrangea bridal bouquet


Airy, delicate, virginal bridal bouquet of hydrangeas. From April to October is the blooming season of these luxurious flowers. Take care of ordering flowers in advance, and the eyes of your chosen one will reflect love and happiness in the radiance of hydrangeas.

  • Optional

    The price of the bouquet includes a boutonniere for the groom. 

    Seasonality of the bouquet: April - october.

    *Possible in other months of the year with a slight change in price and composition (check with the operator).

  • Feedback

    Flowers are live and very fragile material. If your bouquet came in improper form, please contact us to solve the problem.

    In case any of the bouquet components are out of stock, we will offer you the substitutes. Also be ready that flowers are live material, so bouquets 100% do not repeat the picture.

  • Recommendations
    1. Before putting the flowers in water, remove the packaging from the bouquet and trim the stems with a knife or secateurs.

    2. Fill the vase about 2/3 full with water and clean the stems from the leaves if they reach the water.

    3. Change the water and renew the cuttings every day or every other day. 

    4. Keep the bouquet away from direct sunlight, drafts, heaters and fruit.

We are sorry if at the time of ordering on xoflowers.md this bouquet is out of stock. We will be happy to offer you a similar product at the appropriate price at your request. Thank you for your interest in our company.

We are sure you will like it!

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