Declaration of love at an elevation of 5416 m. or how the flag of XOstudio FLOWERS ended up on the top of the mountain

When you follow the news about our brave compatriots climbing the heights of the Himalayas, you feel admiration and delight. Even more, excitement is caused by the fact that one of the trekking participants carried the whole way to proudly unfurl at an altitude of 5416 meters at the highest point of one of the highest mountain passes in the world – Thorong-la -the flag of the XOstudio FLOWERS company!

Before crossing the pass, Andrey Elistratov and four enthusiastic heroes raised the flags of Moldova, their brands, and the first corporate flag of the floristry studio XOstudio FLOWERS from Chisinau near the picturesque high-altitude lake Tilycho, which is located in the central Himalayas in part of the Annapurna mountain massif. And the spirit of spring and a holiday came to the frosty crystal air.

Andrey Elistratov climbs the Himalayas for the second time. This is his second crossing of the Himalayas. This time, the group included Anton Perkin, who climbed with Andrey in Nepal in 2017, in Africa in 2018, and on other peaks, as well as Dmitry Tyginyan, whose portfolio includes Mount Etna and the Tien Shan Mountains. In an interview with Pavel Zyngan, Andrey says: «...these are investments in memories. You come out after the night with a thermos of tea, look around and realize that no photograph can convey the world's most beautiful landscapes.

Plus – communication and reboot. Mountains are always a reincarnation.»...

The sight of a white flag with the logo of a favorite floristic studio on the background of dazzling mountains captures the spirit. Someone long ago sang that «apple trees will bloom on Mars.» Instead, flowers decorated in luxurious bouquets will appear in the Himalayas. «Only mountains can be better than mountains» and ... flowers. This is the most vivid declaration of love.

Well, now you understand where in Chisinau to order bouquets, the most stylish, marked by the spirit and spiritual power of the Himalayas? XOstudio FLOWERS conquers any peak.

Photos provided by participants of the climb.