A mourning basket with red roses.


A mourning basket with red roses is a profound symbol of love, respect and eternal remembrance. Embodying strong and sincere feelings, red roses convey the strength of loss and admiration for the life of the person to whom one has to say goodbye. These flowers speak of the devotion that remains even after passing and that love is stronger than time.

Carefully assembled mourning basket of red roses will emphasize the importance of the moment, expressing the deepest emotions. Each flower in this composition is a sign of recognition and respect, a tribute to the bright memory of the person who will forever remain in our hearts.

Our experienced florists create funeral baskets, giving special attention to each element. We are ready to help you choose a composition that will convey your feelings and become a worthy sign of farewell.

We are sorry if at the time of ordering on xoflowers.md this bouquet is out of stock. We will be happy to offer you a similar product at the appropriate price at your request. Thank you for your interest in our company.

We are sure you will like it!

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